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اقتصاد سوريا الاقتصاد السوري .. المشاريع الجديدة .. قوانين اقتصادية حديثة . مشاكل اقتصادية . سوق السيارات .. مصانع ...الخ

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قديم 25-08-2013, 06:31 PM   #1
مجرد إنسان
عضو أساسي
الصورة الرمزية مجرد إنسان

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افتراضي Your short guide to the not-so-complicated Middle East

"Your short guide to the not-so-complicated Middle East"
From K-N Al-Sabah, posted in the FinancialTimes:

Sir, Iran is backing Assad. Gulf states are against Assad!

Assad is against Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood and Obama are against General Sisi.

But Gulf states are pro Sisi! Which means they are against Muslim Brotherhood!

Iran is pro Hamas, but Hamas is backing Muslim Brotherhood!

Obama is backing Muslim Brotherhood, yet Hamas is against the US!

Gulf states are pro US. But Turkey is with Gulf states against Assad; yet Turkey is pro Muslim Brotherhood against General Sisi. And General Sisi is being backed by the Gulf states!

Welcome to the Middle East and have a nice day.

Mosa'ab Elsham

{بل نقذف بالحق على الباطل فيدمغه فإذا هو زاهق ولكم الويل مما تصفون}

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