14-12-2010, 02:39 AM
عضو أساسي
مصطلحات شاب درس في امريكا
شاب ذهب الى اميركا للدراسة
وخلال فترة قصيرة تعلم اللغة الانكليزية (على طريقة الحماصنة )
وأرسل إلى امه الرسالة التالية :
Dear YAMO,
Yesterday friendatee invited me to a restaurant, we orders first KISSERS ( (مقبلات , upside down ( ( مقلوبة , and the dessert was hind’s husband cake ( جوز الهند) and made in husband ( معمول بالجوز) .
But yamo one of my friendatee is a moons player (لعيب قمار) so danger on my mind ( خطر عبالي) to go to the vomiting office (مكتب المراجعات) in the university that have the divorced salad( السلطة المطلقة(and tell them about my friend.
Yamo I bought two husbands of socks ( جوزين كلسات) but the salesman didn’t understand what I wanted so I told him your price on me(حقق عليي) I wanted to pay for the socks he didn’t accept and said to me keep it on my calculation (خليها عحسابي) .
We became friends and he invited me to his house before I came in I shouted constitution parents home (دستور ياأهل الدار) . I evaluated his envelopes (قدرت ظروفه)
coz he lived alone in a small house.
He insisted to spend the night in his house I told him cover your width ( يستر على عرضك) I can’t sleep out of the university but from here to here ( من هون لهون) ، I knew he was Homsi too.
He was very on a boy ( عصبي).
I told him that the next day the invitation would me on my mathematics (على حسابي) .
Friendato came to tell him instead of your safety (عوض بسلامتك) coz his cousin died two ws ago.
Make your touching in good Yamo ( مسيتك بالخير) , and see you soon…
Your son Perfection ابنك كمال