عضو أساسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2012
الدولة: دمشق
المشاركات: 2,462
شكراً: 7,450
تم شكره 8,841 مرة في 2,338 مشاركة

رد: نقاش حول بلاد للهجرة والسفر ....
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة najm
The British Embassy Damascus has suspended all services and all Diplomatic personnel have been withdrawn from Syria.
Those who choose to remain in Syria or to visit against our advice should be aware that we cannot provide consular assistance or service in Syria
Syria, Damascus, British Embassy
Thanks my bro ))
but you can also read this 
This section contains information about UK visa applications for customers in Syria.
The visa service in Damascus is closed until further notice. We are currently unable to accept or process visa applications in Syria.
Alternative arrangements for visa applicants
Customers in Syria wishing to apply for a visitor visa can submit their application at any visa application centre worldwide.
Customers in Syria can submit applications for all visa categories at the following visa application centres in Jordan and Lebanon:
Jordan - Amman
Lebanon - Beirut
You must make your application online and book your appointment at the visa application centre online. If you apply in Jordan, you must also pay for your application online.
Because of the current circumstances, we may not be able to process visa applications within our published customer service standards.
For more information, see the Jordan and Lebanon sections of this website.
{بل نقذف بالحق على الباطل فيدمغه فإذا هو زاهق ولكم الويل مما تصفون}