عضو أساسي
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2011
المشاركات: 4,237
شكراً: 6,342
تم شكره 10,276 مرة في 3,461 مشاركة

رد: المتابعة اللحظية لجلسة تداول الاربعاء 18-07-2012
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة economic opinion
sorry my dear friends but i can't write on arabic, because i don't have an arabic keypad in my phone thank you frias for opening the market watch and my dearest brother tareq how can u think that?? Being a syrian is not about holding a piece of paper that says so, it's about how you act and feel. Do you love syria? Are you willing to give ur life for it against any one who wishes to harm her? Are you willing to work for what's best for syria? If ur answer to these questions is 'yes' then what would a piece of paper add to you. And about the people who don't want to hear you you should know that i carry the syrian nationality along with their piece of paper and they don't want to hear me too. They don't matter because they can never change what's right for me. When they get the power they can decide to take this piece of paper from me or even kill us but they can never take our all syrian heart
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