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قديم 29-05-2012, 03:58 AM
عضو أساسي
 الصورة الرمزية najm
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2012
الدولة: دمشق
المشاركات: 2,622
شكراً: 11,259
تم شكره 10,419 مرة في 2,584 مشاركة
افتراضي رد: ذهب فضة: نصائح والمتابعة اللحظية للأسعار

Forex: EUR/USD dips toward 1.2500 on market ‘risk-off’

FXstreet.com (San Francisco) - The EUR/USD has fallen to a fresh session low of 1.2508 after the Tokyo fix on a broad bout of risk aversion. Spanish banking concerns continue to weigh on sentiment after wnd optimism over a Gr poll had faded
At the time of writing, the pair has encountered some bids at the mentioned lows and is now quoted in the 1.2520 price zone, down from 1.2540 at the end of trading in New York Monday. Should EUR/USD manage to break below the 1.25 mark in the hours ahead, the FXstreet.com Independent Analysis Team identifies support levels at 1.2465 and 1.2460, while resistance levels are noted at 1.2580, 1.2620 and 1.2650

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التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة najm ; 29-05-2012 الساعة 04:11 AM
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الأعضاء الذين قالوا شكراً لـ najm على المشاركة المفيدة:
فراس السكري (01-06-2012)